Thursday, April 12, 2012

Minority Subcultures

For the past two weeks we have been discussing subcultures. This week we focused specifically on  subcultures who are discriminated against by the dominant culture



Since we only covered two minority subcultures in class, I'd like for you to do a bit of research on an additional minority subculture. You may choose any minority subculture you want: an indigenous group, the gay community (within a specific culture), an ethnic minority group (afro-colombianos, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, etc...), religious minority group (Egyptian Christians, Russian Jews, Colombian Muslims, etc...), or any other minority subculture you can think of.

When you write about your minority subculture be sure to include:

  • A brief introduction to your subculture: who are they? where do they live? how do they differ from the dominant culture?
  • A discussion of any discrimination against them, and what kind(s) of rights they are afforded or denied
  • Your opinion on how this minority subculture should be treated by the dominant culture
Once you have done your research, be sure to check out your classmates blogs to learn about other minority subcultures around the world.

*Remember, you should post your research before midnight on Monday. Make sure to acknowledge any sources of information you utilized in your research.