Monday, May 7, 2012

Intro to Non-Verbal Communication

Last week we started Module 3 of the course,¨"Non-verbal Communication." As we have mentioned, the majority of our communication is done non-verbally.

There is a saying in English that says, "Your actions speak louder than your words."

Watch the following documentary titled "Non-verbal Communication: The Documentary."

Then, based on what we've talked about so far in class and what you will have heard in the video, write a blog post explaining (with examples) whether you agree or disgree with the above saying.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Minority Subcultures

For the past two weeks we have been discussing subcultures. This week we focused specifically on  subcultures who are discriminated against by the dominant culture



Since we only covered two minority subcultures in class, I'd like for you to do a bit of research on an additional minority subculture. You may choose any minority subculture you want: an indigenous group, the gay community (within a specific culture), an ethnic minority group (afro-colombianos, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, etc...), religious minority group (Egyptian Christians, Russian Jews, Colombian Muslims, etc...), or any other minority subculture you can think of.

When you write about your minority subculture be sure to include:

  • A brief introduction to your subculture: who are they? where do they live? how do they differ from the dominant culture?
  • A discussion of any discrimination against them, and what kind(s) of rights they are afforded or denied
  • Your opinion on how this minority subculture should be treated by the dominant culture
Once you have done your research, be sure to check out your classmates blogs to learn about other minority subcultures around the world.

*Remember, you should post your research before midnight on Monday. Make sure to acknowledge any sources of information you utilized in your research.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

This past week, we watched the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding. In the movie, we followed the lives of Toula, a Greek-American, and Ian, a white, middle-class American as they begin their relationship, engage in dating, and, finally, get married.

Using both personal examples and examples from the movie, what kinds of problems could arise from cultural differences when marrying someone from different culture?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Endangered Cultures and Languages

Indigenous Kogui Tribe, Santa Marta, Colombia
(taken from:

Good morning!

Since we have been talking a good deal the past two weeks about culture and what the term "culture" entails, I want you guys to think about the impact of disappearing cultures.

I want you to watch the following two TED videos:

Wade Davis: Dreams from Endangered Cultures

Phil Borges: On Endangered Cultures

and then read these news articles:

The Death of Language

Unesco Identifies Endangered Cultural Traditions

After you have watched the two videos and read the new articles, take a few minutes to reflect on what consequences disappearing cultures and their languages could have on society as a whole.

Once you have processed the information from the videos and the news articles, I want you to write an entry in your blog discussing the following:

Do you think it is important to try and protect these endangered and dying cultures and languages? Why or why not? What kind of contribution to different cutlures make to society as a whole? Is it vital to have cultural diversity or should we eventually coalesce to all be part of the same global culture, speaking one language?

In your blog entry, you shoule make direct reference to information from the videos & the news article.When making direct reference keep in mind these quotation rules from Purdue University: Quotation Rules.

Be sure not to plagiarize as you reflect... 

Happy blogging.

Tagaeri Indigenous Group, Ecuador
(taken from:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hi! My name is Paige Poole and I will be teaching English: Content I (Spring 2012) through el Instituto de Idiomas at la Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia. This blog will be a space for my students and I to extend issues and topics covered in class through various writing prompts and discussions throughout the semester.

This blog will be the "mother" blog for the class where all writing prompts, assignments, and discussions will be posted for students. Each student will have his/her own unique blog where he/she will respond to the initial post made by myself. Once students have registered their blogs (hopefully by the end of next week), their blogs will be linked to this blog and listed in a separate post, should you be interested in following my students throughout the semester.

This is our first time trying out a class blog, so wish us luck :)